
Developer Guide



Remy9926 iP for File I/O

Design & implementation

Handling User Inputs & Displaying Output

A lot of the initial project setup that deals with things like parsing, displaying outputs back to the user, exceptions, etc. are strongly inspired by the address book example project demoed in class. Specifically, we have classes that are responsible for various aspects of our project in order to follow the single-responsibility principle and limit the amount of coupling.

One specific design implementation we chose was having a Command superclass that all commands in our application will inherit from. This allows every command we write in the future to be guaranteed to possess all methods specified in the superclass. Therefore, we can call these methods in our main function without needing to worry about the differences between various commands because they all inherit from the same parent. Another alternative we considered was simply making each separate command its own function and calling them from our parser class. However, we want to keep the commands as high level as possible and avoid calling more lower-level functions if possible, so we can provide more encapsulation to each command. Therefore, we decided to go with this class-based command hierarchy that was also found in the example address book repo.

Below is a class diagram that describes how our various components interact with one another:


The parser class is responsible for reading the user input and creating specific command objects. All of these subcommands inherit from a general Command parent class which has an execute method that can be called regardless of child class and will return a CommandResult object. The CommandResult object dictates what info (string or list of items) needs to be returned to the user for viewing. Both CommandResult and TextUi (responsible for actually displaying data from CommandResult to user) will only print objects from classes that inherit from the Printable interface. This ensures that objects in the relevantItems list are all serializable as a human-readable string to be displayed to the end user.

Update Exercises from Log feature

The proposed feature is to allow users to update exercises from the ExerciseLog class to allow for full CRUD functionality of the class. Currently, users are able to create exercises and log them as well as view all the exercises that they have created, but in the case of a typo, they are unable to update the log to accommodate for the user error. To improve the user experience, this update feature has been proposed to allow users to have a better experience using the app.

The update feature will be implemented by allowing users to select the task that they want to edit by specifying the month and day that they logged this exercise at, as well as the corresponding exercise name and the number of calories that the exercise has burned. This is because each exercise is stored within Day objects, and in order to check if two exercises are equivalent, we check both the exerciseName and caloriesBurned fields. Thus, these parameters will need to be specified by the user in order to update the exercise log.

Below is an example of how this feature will work:

Step 1: Upon starting the app, the ExerciseLog class is initialized and a log is created for the user to log their exercises.

Screenshot 2023-10-22 at 22 21 04

Step 2: The user calls the log command with the specified parameters to add a new exercise to the list. However, the user notices that they made a typo and want to change the details of the exercise that they just logged.

Screenshot 2023-10-22 at 22 23 59

Step 3: The user calls the update command with the information of the old exercise as well as the new information that the user wants to update with. With this, the update is done.

Screenshot 2023-10-22 at 22 25 09

Adding a New Exercise Goal

Setting up exercise goals is one of the major components in our FitNus app. It could guide users to do exercise in a more systematic way, while ensuring the possibility of keeping track of the record.

Inheritance Level:

As one of the commands input by user, the goal class should be inherited from the command class, with the general abstract method such as constructor, execution of command, etc.

Implementation: The goalist class has some helper functions, including checkGoalInput to ensure the validity of user input, addGoal to add a new goal record into the goal list. The execution of goal command simply create a new goal record by first validating the user input, and create a goal record and finally return the result of creating the goal.

  1. View Goal function and Delete Goal function

The view function is vital in visualization of the goal list while delete function helps to remove some redundant, incorrect, or achieved goals.

  1. Achieve Goal function

This aims to keep the record of achieved goals. Once the user marks a goal as finished, the record will be automatically backed up into the history list, with supported view function. Also, it is designed not to allow user to modify any achivement. If user made any mistakes, either he starts a new achievement files, or he keeps the false record.

Potential Improvements:

All records in the history list(and general goal list) should be sorted according to their finish time and in alphabetical order.

To provent user from making mistakes, we could design an algorithm to detect whether an achievement is accomplished.

Product scope

Target user profile

Our target users are NUS students who are looking to get in shape and live a healthier lifestyle. We want to provide fitness and eating recommendations that are near the NUS campus which will be easily accessible to our end users.

Value proposition

User Stories

Version As a … I want to … So that I can …
v1.0 New User see usage instructions refer to them when I forget how to use the application
v2.0 Obesity Victim set up my work out plan lose weight
v2.0 Health Enthusiasts set up fitness goals follow and keep myself healthy in a systematic way
v2.1 Dieter record everyday diet monitor the amount of calories taking in and check total amount

Non-Functional Requirements