
User Guide


Welcome to the FITNUS UserGuide! We’re glad you’re here and if you have any questions about how to operate the application, all the information will be here for you.

Quick Start

Please follows the steps below to start your Fitnus journey.

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed.
  2. Down the latest version of FITNUS from here.
  3. Put the downloaded jar file into any directory you prefer. This directory should allow read and write of any files inside the directory.
  4. Open the command terminal on your device. Run the jar file using command java -jar ABSOLUTE_PATH_OF_JAR_FILE. If it failed, please try steps 5 and 6.
  5. Make sure that you start the terminal from the same position/directory where the jar file is stored. Below is an example on Windows.

  6. Run the FITNUS app using command java -jar JAR_FILE_NAME.jar where JAR_FILE_NAME is the name of the jar file as stored on your local computer

    A simple example as below, with downloaded file name “Fitnus”:



Notes about the input command format

Content of Command

  1. Quick link to particular command.
Exercise Goal Meal Others
Add an Exercise Add a Goal Add a Meal Help
Update an Exercise Delete a Goal Delete a Meal Exit
View Exercise Make Achievement List a Meal View Achievement
Delete Exercise View Goals    
  1. Frequently-asked-quesions(FAQs)

Command Type

help - Viewing help

Shows a message explaining how to access the help page.

Format: help

meal_add - Adding a meal

Adds a new item to the meal list.


Example of usage:

meal_add potatoes 100

meal_add baked_bread 66

meal_delete - Deleting a meal

Delete a meal from the existing list.

Format: meal_delete INDEX

Example of usage:

meal_delete 1

meal_delete 100

meal_list - Listing meals

List all the meals that have been recorded.

Format: meal_list [CATEGORY]

Example of usage:


meal_list 1

meal_list snack

log - Adding an exercise

Adds a new exercise to the Exercise Log.


Example of usage:

log 1 26 Basketball 179

log 12 24 Volleyball 5

updatelog - Updating an exercise

Updates the specified exercise within the Exercise Log if the old exercise can be found. If the old exercise is not found, then the user will not be prompted to provide new details.


Example of usage:

updatelog 1 26 Basketball 179 Rugby 55

updatelog 12 24 Volleyball 5 Hockey 98

viewlog - Viewing Exercises

View the number of, or each exercise in a day, month, or the entire log.


Example of usage:

viewlog exercises all

viewlog total month 1 day 24

deletelog - Deleting Exercises

Delete the exericse on the specified month and day


Example of usage:

deletelog 6 16 Running 179

deletelog 2 27 Hockey 5

set on - Setting up a calorie goal

Set up a calorie goal to achieve. The goal are expected to help user accomplish a particular amount of calorie consumption before a deadline.

Format: set AMOUNT on Date

The AMOUNT is in terms of kcal. Please follows the provided formats at the beginning of this guide.

Example of outcome:

[Command entered:set 1000 on 11/11/2023]
Nice! I have added the following goal to your goals list: 
Consume 1000 kcal on Nov 11, 2023

viewG - View your current goal list

Look for the content of current goal list.

Format: viewG

Example of outcome:

[Command entered:viewg]
Here you go! Remember to stick to your exercise and meal plans.
1. Consume 1000 kcal on Nov 11, 2023
2. Consume 1500 kcal on Nov 25, 2023

deleteG - Delete a goal from current goal list

Remove a undersired goal from the goal list. Note that it is not encouraged to remove a goal from the goal list, unless the inserted goal contains errors or is near impossible to be accomplished.

Format: deleteG Index

You can retrieve the index by showing the goal list

Example of outcome:

[Command entered:deleteg 2]
Good. I have removed this goal: Consume 1500 kcal on Nov 25, 2023
Remember not to give up unaccomplished target!
You now have 1 goals to accomplish.

achieve - Turn one goal as achieved

Be careful that this funnction will mark a goal as achieved by removing a goal from the current goal list and permanantly add a new achieved goal into your achievement list. (You can only destroy the whole list if you made any errors or want to give up an achievement.)

Format: achieve Index

Example of outcome:

[Command entered:achieve 1]
Congratulation! You have achieved one goal!
[Finished]Consume 1000 kcal on Nov 11, 2023 (:

achievement - View your achieved goals

The achievement can only be shown. Any modification except adding a new record is not allowed.

Format: achievement

Expected outcome:

[Command entered:achievement]
Congratulation! See your achievements below: 
1. [A]Consume 1000 kcal on Nov 11, 2023

Exiting the program: exit

Exits the program.

Format: exit


Q1: How do I transfer my data to another computer?

A: It is not suggested to transfer data between machines. The purpose of the app is developed solely for personal use. Nonetheless, you can copy the folder named data that is created in the same directory (location) as where you are running the application into your new computer to restore your data.

Q2: Can I edit the data inside my list? e.g. change the calories consumption targets in the goal list

A: Sorry but we do not support the function to edit a list directly. But you can remove a unwanted data from a list and insert a new data again.

Q3: I have accidentally mark an unaccomplished goal as achieved. Could I change the achievement?

A: Sorry but we do not allow user to modify achievement list. If you really want to destory a false record, you must remove all the achievements and start a new save file. One way of doing this is to delete the file “achievement.txt” under the folder “data” inside your jar file repository.

Command Summary

Future Development